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Ekisaawe ky'okuyimba mu Uganda

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Uganda, ekwata kyakusatu mu nsi ezisinga okuyimba n'okusanyusa abantu mu Afrika yonna. Uganda erimu amawanga 65 agavaamu abantu aboogera ennimi ez'enjawulo, era muno mwe muva ennyimba eziyimbibwa abantu ba nnansanga. Abaganda, ly'eggwanga erisinga okuvaamu abayimbi ab'amaanyi era ab'ettutumu mu Uganda, batunze nnyo obuwangwa bwabwe n'okubuutikira ekisaawe ky'okuyimba mu Uganda mu byasa ebibiri (2) ebisembyeyo.

Ekika ky'ennyimba ekyasooka okututumuka nga kivaamu ne ssente mu Uganda kye kya Kadongo Kamu nga kyava mu nnyimba ya Baganda ey'eŋŋoma Eŋŋanda. Okuva mu myaka gya 1980 okutuuka mu gya 1990, Kadongo Kamu yabuutikirwa nnyo abayimbi nga Peterson Mutebi, Dan Mugula, Sebadduka Toffa, Fred Ssonko, Livingstone Kasozi, Fred Masagazi, Baligidde, Abuman Mukungu, Gerald Mukasa, Sauda Nakakaawa, Matia Luyima, Herman Basudde, ne Paulo Kafeero. ne bakifuula ekika ky'ennyimba ekyasinga okucaaka mu Uganda. Ng'emyaka gya 1980 giggwaako, omugenzi Philly Lutaaya yafulumya olutambi lwe olwa "Born In Africa' oluvannyuma olwefuga amayenge g'empewo. Lutaaya yayongerako oltambi olulala lwe yatuuma "Merry Christmas" olwaliko ennyimba 8. Olutambi luno lukyali lwa ttutumu okutuusa leero era ennyimba za Philly Lutaaya teziva ku mimwa gya Bannayuganda abaagazi b'ennyimba.

Ku ntandikwa y'emyaka gya 1990, ekika ky'ennyimba ekirala kyayingirawo nga kiyitibwa Afro ragga oba kye bayita Ekidandali mu Luganda nga kireetebwa abantu okwali: Rasta Rob, Kid Fox, Ras Khan, Messe, Shanks Vivid, Menton Summer, Ragga Dee, Bebe Cool ne Jose Chameleone, Bobi Wine kw'ossa Steve Jean - ng'oluvannyuma ye yafuuka akola ennyimba z'abalala mu sityudiyo. Mu 1997, Emperor Orlandoh ne Menton Summer be baali ku mumwa gwa Bannayuganda abasinga obungi oluvannyuma lw'okufulumya oluyimba lwabwe lwe baatuuma "Sirikawo Baby" olwacaaka mu Uganda yonna.

Mu 1998, Red Banton yajja n'oluyimba lwe olwa "Noonya Money". Yafuuka omuyimbi wa Uganda eyasooka okugenda e Bungereza ng'agendedde ku Visa ya muyimbi (Artist Visa).

Olw'okwagala okutuuka ku mutindo ogw'ensi yonna n'enkyukakyuka yaayo, Uganda ngabwe kiri mu mawanga ga Afrika amalala ezze efuna enkyukakyuka mu ngeri gy'ekolamu ennyomba. Kino kivuddeko Bannayuganda bangi okuyimba ng'Abazungu mu bika nga Dancehall ne Hip Hop.

DJ wa Uganda asinze okutambula mu bitundu by'ensi yonna eby'enjawulo era omu ku ba DJ abasinga nga ye DJ, Erycom era amanyiddwa nga Mutebi Erycom, ye Munnayuganda eyasooka okutondawo omukutu ku Youtube era y'omu ku Bannayuganda ababiri abaasooka okusaasaanya ennyimba za Uganda ku mitimbagano.

DJ Erycom akozesezza okubeerawo kwa yintaneeti okutumbula okuyimba kwa Uganda n'abayimbi ba Uganda, era olw'ensonga eno, ennyimba za Uganda zituuse ku buli nsonda y'ensi yonna awatuuka emitimbagano.

Abayimbi mu Uganda abawerako beegasse ku kibiina ekirwanirira eddembe lyabwe n'okukuuma ebiyiiye byabwe ekya Uganda Performing Rights Society ekitumbudde ennyo ennyimba zaabwe n'okubaganyura nga kikola omulimu gw'okukuuma obwannanyini bwe balina ku nnyimba zaabwe.

Ennyimba ez'obuwangwa obw'enjawulo okusinziira ku bitundu bya Uganda eby'enjawulo[kyusa | edit source]

Uganda eyawulwamu ebitundu bina (4) omuli; Amasekkati, Obukiikakkono, Obuvanjuba n'Obugwanjuba. Buli kitundu kirin ennyimba ez'engeri ez'enjawulo okusinziira ku buwangwa obukirimu n'amawanga agasangibwayo.

Ennyimba mu Uganda zisinga kwesigamizibwa nnyo ku mikolo egy'enjawulo era nga kino bwe kiri ne mu mawanga ga Afrika agasinga obungi. Kino kitegeeza nti okuyimba okusinga obunene kulina emikolo egy'enjawulo kwe kugendera okugeza, obufumbo oba embaga, okwalula abaana, emikolo gy'abakulembeze ab'ennono, amakungula, ennyimba ez'omu ntalo n'endala nnyingi.

Ennyimba zino zikubibwa n'okuyimbibwa abakugu abatendeke mu buwangwa obw'enjawulo ne mu bivuga mwe bayimbira ennyimba ezikwata ku buwangwa bwabwe n'amazina gaabwe ag'enjawulo.

Amasekkati[kyusa | edit source]

  Abaganda basangibwa mu Bwakabakabwa Buganda mu kitundu ky'Amasekkati ga Uganda; ly'eggwanga ly'abantu abasinga obungi mu Uganda. Obwakabaka bukulemberwa omukulembeze w'ensikirano ayitibwa Kabaka. Kabaka ye muyima w'ebyokuyimba mu Buganda. Ebimu ku bivuga Abaganda bye bakozesa mu kuyimba mulimu: eŋŋoma nga zikola ettundutundu dddene mu nnyimba z'Abaganda.

Eŋŋoma z'Obwakabaka ze zimu ku ŋŋoma za Buganda ezikubwa mu nnyimba. Engalabi y'emu ku ŋŋoma ez'ettutumu ngay'esinga obuwanvu kyokka eddoboozi lyayo lifulumira mabega nga n'abamu kye bava bagiyita Omusekerannyuma. Eŋŋoma zikozesebwa omulundi gumu n'ebivuga ebirala omuli amadinda, endingidi, emirere, entongooli, n'ebiralala bingi.

Ennyimba zizannyibwa abantu bazizinireko mu ngeri ey'ayimba okusooka ate abamuwagira ne bamwanukula ng'enkola eyo eri nnyo mu mawanga ga Babantu era ebaddewo okuva mu myaka gy'ekyasa ekya 19. Abaganda balina amazina ag'enjawulo agagenda n'enkuba z'ebivuga ezikyukana, muno mulimu aga baakisimba agasinga okuzinibwa. Mu malala mulimu aga nankasa n'amaggunju. Amaggunju mazina ga kitiibwa agaatandikira mu lubiri lwa Kabaka. 

Mu Bukiikokkono bwa Uganda mu kitundu kya Acholi waaliyo omuyimbi ow'amaanyi ng'ayitibwa Ojara Eddy we bwatuukira mu ku nkomerero y'emyaka gya 1980.

Mu Buvanjuba[kyusa | edit source]

Okusobola okukwawulira ekitundu ky'Obuvanjuba bwa Uganda ku bitundu ebirala. Kino kirimu amawanga ag'enjawulo omuli: Abagwere, Abasoga, Abanyoli, Abagisu, Abajapadhola, Abateeso, Abasabin, Abasamya era buli buwangwa bulina ennyimba yaabwo. Mu myaka gya 1990 amawanga gano gaakolanga ennyimba nga gakozesa bivuga byago byokka bye beekoleranga, okugeza Abagwere baalina ekivuga ekiyitibwa kongo, Abasoga nga balina amadinda ge bayita mbeire, ate Abajapadhola n'Abanyoli nga balina ekya fumbo, Abateeso nga balina adungu era ennyimba zaabwe zaayawukananga nnyo mu nvuga n'engeri gye baaziyiiyangamu. Mu kyasa ekya 20, mangi ku mawanga gano gaagenda gakyusa ennyimba yaago nga gakoppa ennyimba ey'ekizungu kyokka bakyayimbira mu nnimi zaabwe.

Waliyo abayimbi bangi abamanyiddwa mu mawanga ago okugeza, Abagwere balina Waisana, Benenego, Rapper sky dee, Area b, Waikere, Bluzman n'abalala, . Abagisu balina San Sea, Ben, Nutty Neithan n'abalala, Abasoga balina Crazy mc, Racheal Magola, Maro, Yaled, General Megadi n'abalala. Amawanga gano agasinga galina abakulembeze b'ensikirano abayambyeko okutumbula ebyokuyimba byabwe. Omukulembeze w'Abagwere ayitibwa Ikumbania, owa Bugisu ye Omukuka, owa Busoga ayitibwa Kyabazinga, owa Teeso ye Emorimori n'abalala.

Obugwanjuba[kyusa | edit source]

Ekitone ky'okuyimba kizze kikula mu kitundu kino okuviira ddala ku bayimbi nga Sister Charity, Chance Kahindo ne Rasta Charz abaddeirirwa Ray G, Jolow, Allan Toniks, Seyo, T Bro, Emily Kikazi, Muzz Joe, T Paul, Rachael T, Mat Henry, CJ Champion ne baddirirwa abalala omuli Penny Patra, Amani Amaniga, Carol Kay, Prettie Immaq n'abalala bangi abazze. Oluvannyuma lw'okucaaka kw'oluyimba lwa "Omusheshe" olwayimbibwa Ray G ne Spice Diana, Olunyankole lwayongera okutuuka mu bitundu eibirala ebya Uganda. Abayimbi abava mu Buganda nabo baayongera okukola ennyimba ne bannaabwe okuva e Bugwanjuba ne bayimba ennyimba nga "True man hood" olwa ba Allstars abaayimba ne T Bro, "Tikikushemerire" olwa Gen Geeon ne Jose Chameleon, "Yeele" olwa Geosteady ne Ray G, "Ninkukunda" olwa Ray G ne Voltage music, "Mbarara boy" olwa Mc Kacheche ne John Blaq, "Elevate" olwa Rachael T ne Colifixe, "Sagala" olwa T Paul ne Cosign.

Okukula kwa ba 'deejay' kwatandika n'abantu nga DJs Alberto 43, Dj Mats, DJ Sky, Riddim Selecta, Starcent Dj, Jahlive, DJ Emma, DJ Bristol ne ba 'deejay' abali wansi w'ekibinja kya XL Deejayz , Street Deejays, Massive effect Deejays, 43 Effect Deejays n'abalala bangi.

Abatumbula ekisaawe ky'okuyimba. Mu bano mulimu abakolera ku mitimbaganon'abatagiriiko, omuli: Feezah music uganda Alpha Promotions, Bantu Hits, Uganda Djs Online Radio Karen Promotions, D3 Promotions, Lala Promotions, Patra Promotions, JKG Promotions, MOK Alozius Promotions n'abalala; Mu balala mulimu abantu ssekinnoomu oluli: Dely Derick, Mc Katala, Mr vybs live n'abalala bangi

Leediyo ne Terefayina nazo zikoze omulimu gwa maanyi okusitula ebitone. okutandikibwawo kwa leediyo ez'ebitundu nga "Voice of Tooro" , Radio West, Messiah Radio ey'e Kasese, Voice of Kigezi, Endigyito, Voice of Kamwenge, Kasese Guide Radio, Rwenzori FM, BFM, Hits FM, n'endala omuli Crooze FM, Boona FM, K Town Radio, Ngabu FM ne Street Deejays Radio (ey'oku mutimbagano) ziyambyeko nnyo ekisaawe ky'okuyimba okukula mu Bugwanjuba bwa Uganda.

Emikutu gya TV gikuze mu ngeri ya kasoobo mu kitundu kino kyokka okujja kwa TV West, ne Bunyoro TV nakyo kiyambyeko. TV zino zombi zaafuuka ekifo awazannyirwa vidiyo z'ennyimba zaabwe abantu ne baziraba.

Okuyita mu leediyo ne TV abantu abapya baacaaka omuli Mc Kacheche, Kunana MC, Lithan MC, Mr Jay n'abalala. Okukula kw'ebivvulu by'ennyimba naddala mu bbaala z'ebibuga nga Mbarara, Rukungiri, Kabale, Fort Portal, Ishaka, Kasese ne Kamwenge biwa omwagaanya abayimbi abato okufuna we bayimbira abantu ne babategeera.

Ennyimba ezicaase ennyo ne zikola ssente[kyusa | edit source]

Olw'embeera y'obutali butebenkevu eyali mu Uganda okuva emabega, tewaaliwo budde bumala kisaawe kya kuyimba kusajjakula okutuusa ggyo lya balamu eggwanga lwe lyaddamu emirembe ng'emyaka gya 1980 giggwaako. Mu kiseera ekyo Philly Lutaaya, Afrigo Band, ne Elly Wamala be boogerwako ng'abaavaayo mu kisaawe ky'okuyimba. Jimmy Katumba n'ekibiina kye ekya Ebonies nabo baamanyika nnyi mu biseera ebyo, ng'egya 1990 gitandika.

Abayimbi nga, Carol Nakimera, Kezia Nambi, Fred Maiso, Kads Band, Rasta Rob, Menton Summer ba baaliko mu Uganda wakati wa 1990 ne 1997. Abalala nga, Livingstone Kasozi, Herman Basudde ne Paulo Kafeero nabo baakola kinene okusembeza ennyimba eri abantu n'okukola ebivvulu nga bayimbira ku siteegi.

Okusinziira ku mutunzi w'ennyimba za Uganda nnakinku era amaze ebbanga mu bwa DJ, DJ Erycom, 1998 gwe mwaka ekisaawe ky'okuyimba mu Uganda lwe kyasinga okufuna enkyukakyuka ey'omuggundu. Yeebaza abayimbi nga Red Banton eyaleeta akayimba ka Noonya Money akaabuna Uganda yonna. agamba nti Red Banton yali ku ntikko y'okuyimba mu Uganda okutuuka mu 2000 Jose Chameleone lwe yadda okuva e Kenya n'oluyimba lwa "Mama Mia" kyenkana olwafuuka oluyimba lw'eggwanga mu Uganda ne East Africa okutwaliza awamu.

Mu myaka gya 1990 Uganda yatandika okulaga nga bwe yali enyumirwa ennyimba z'e Jamaica abayimbi ab'enjawulo omwali Shanks Vivi Dee, Ragga Dee, n'abalala bwe bajja n'enkuba ey'ekijamaica nga beefaananyirizaako Shabba Ranks. Baayingiza wano ennyimba ez'ekika kya Ragga mu Uganda nga newankubadde baafuna okuvuganyizibwa n'ebika Ebifirika ebirala nga Soukous okuva e Congo neKwaito okuva e South Africa. Embeera eno ye yaliwo okutuusa mu kyasa ekya 21 abayimbi nga Chameleonebwe bajja ne bawamba.

We bwatuukira mu 2007, waaliwo abayimbi abapya bangi abaali bazze nga bayimba ebika by'ennyimba eby'enjawulo olwo ng'ennyimba z'e Bulaaya, ez'e Congo ne South Africa zaali tezikyavuga mu Uganda. Leero, abayimbi nga Iryn Namubiru ne King Saha be bamu ku b'oyinza okwogerako, abalala nga Radio & Weasel aba Goodlyfe Crew, nabo baali ba maanyi nnyo nga Radio tannafa, nga baavuganyaako ne mu mpaka za za ssemazinga wa Afrika yonna eza MTV Base awards mu 2010 n'eza BET awards mu 2013. Mu Gwomukaaga 2015, Eddy Kenzo yawangula awaadi y'omuyimbi omupya asinga mu nsi yonna eya "Best new international artist" mu mpaka za 2015 BET music awards.

Kadongo Kamu[kyusa | edit source]

  Ekigambo "Kadongo Kamu" kigambo kya Luganda ekitegeeza "endongo emu". Ennyimba ez'engeri eno zaaweebwa erinnya eryo olw'omulimu omukulu ogukolebwa jjita ey'eddoboozi eddene eya bass guitar, ng'olumu yokka gye bababakuba nga bayimba. Kirowoozebwa nti omuyimbi eyasooka okumanyika n'okucaaka ye Fred Masagazi eyo mu myaka gya 1960.

Omugenzi Elly Wamala naye yakola kinene mu kukyusa mu kadongo kamu n'amwongerako omutindo era ennyimba ze zaawulirwanga nga za njawulomu. Christopher Sebadduka yatutumusa nnyo kadongokamu nga y'ensonga alwaki bangi bamuyita Jjajja wa Kadongo kamu. Ennyimba za Wamala ez'imulembe zaamuleeera okufuna abawagizi bangi era y'omu ku baafuna omukisa okuyimba ku bijaguzo by'ameefuga ga Uganda mu 1962. Bano baagobererwa abayimbi abalala bangi.

Herman Basudde yali muyimbi wa kadongo kamu eyacaaka ennyo wakati w'emyaka gya 1980 ne 1990. Kino bwe kyali ne ku Bernard Kabanda ne Dan Mugula ono ye ng'akyaliwo. Fred Sebatta ne Paulo Kafeero baali ba maanyi nnyo mu myaka gya 1990. We butuukidde olwaleero nga Kadongokamu yakendeera amaanyi olw'ebika by'ennyimba ebirala ebivuganya ku mutendera gw'ensi yonna kyokka akyatwalibwa nga sitayiro y'ennyimba ey'ekitiibwa, erimu okuwuliriza obubaka, okubuulirira n'okusanyusa abakulembeze mu Buganda.

Ennyimba 50 ezikyasinze amaanyi mu Uganda okuvamu 1990[kyusa | edit source]

  Okusinziira ku DJ Erycom, luno lwe lukalala lw'ennyimba ezikyasinze amaanyi mu Uganda.

Born In Africa olwa Philly Lutaaya, Land of Anaka olwa Geoffrey Oryema, Bus Dunia olwa Herman Basudde, Sirikawo Baby olwa Menton Summer ne Emperor Orlando, Wipolo olwa Pastor George Okudi, Noonya Money olwa Red Banton, Mama Mia olwa Jose Chameleone, Mbawe olwa Ragga Dee, Tindatine olwa Lady Mariam, Kapapaala olwa David Lutalo, Bamidomo, Midomo olwa Da Twinz, Mu Ggulu Teriyo Mwenge olwa Menton Kronno & Gen Mega Dee, Mic Ya Ziggy Dee, Badda lwa Bobi Wine, Jamila olwa Jose Chameleone, Ani Akumanyi olwa Grace & Gatimo, Swimming Pool olwa Abdu Mulaasi, Angela olwa Sizza Man, Dippo Nazigala olwa Paulo Kafeero, Nakudata olwa Radio & Weasel, Ekinaigeria olwa Harriet Kisaakye, Siggwe Ansimira olwa Mesach Semakula, Mwana Muwala Nga Walaba olwa Mega Dee, Stamina olwa Eddy Kenzo, Wendi olwa Bobi Wine, Kasepiki olwa Bebe Cool, Nabikoowa olwa Juliana Kanyomozi, Mbakwekule olwa Sheebah, Ndigida olwa Ragga Dee, Champion olwa AK47, Maria Roza olwa Eddy Kenzo, Ginkeese olwa Qute Kaye, Oli Wange olwa Rema, Tuli Kubunkenke olwa Ronald Mayinja, Mazongoto olwa Dr Hilderman, Bread & Butter olwa Radio & Weasel, Jangu olwa Obsessions, Nakatudde olwa Madox Semanda Ssematimba, Maama Brenda olwa Sweet Kid, Neera Neera olwa Mowzey Radio, Omusono Gwa Mungu olwa Abdu Mulaasi, Obangaina olwa Racheal Magoola, Juicy olwa Radio & Weasel, Manzi Wa Nani olwa Clever J, Sikulimba olwa Afrigo Band, Nkuumira Omukwano olwa Aziz Azion, Omusheshe olwa Chance Nalubega, Bbaala olwa Daxx Kartel, Ekimbeewo olwa Halimah Namakula, Basiima Ogenze olwa Jose Chameleone, Ddole Y'omwana olwa Fred Sebatta, Sweet Wange olwa Phoebe Nassolo, Kyarenga olwa Bobi Wine, Beera Nange olwa Judith Babirye, Kani olwa Pastor Wilson Bugembe, Amaaso olwa Pallaso, Radio & Weasel, Walumbe Remix olwa Gravity Omutujju, Muliranwa olwa King Saha, Sitya Loss olwa Eddy Kenzo, Ngenda Kusiba Farm olwa Abdu Mulaasi, Badilisha olwa Jose Chameleone, Bogolako olwa Bebe Cool, Maama Mbire olwa Bobi Wine & Juliana ne Mbiro Mbiro olwa Eddy Kenzo.

Kidandali[kyusa | edit source]

  Ennyimba ez'ekika ky'Ekidandali ze zisinze okuwamba mu Uganda ensangi zino. Kyokka erinnya "kidandali" terikkaanyizibwako buli omu ng'abamu bagamba nti ennyimba ez'ekika kino zandibadde ziyitibwa ''ennyimba za bbandi'', ate abalala bateesanti ekika kino kiyitibwe Afrobeat. Ennyiba ez'engeri eno ensibuko yaazo yava mu bbandi ezaasookawo mu Uganda nga yaakafuna obwetwaze mu 1962.

Bbandi ya Cranes Band, oluvannyuma eyasattulukuka n'evaamu eya Afrigo Band, eyogerwako nga bbandi eyasooka okuvaamu ennyimba ez'engeri eno. Mu kusooka ennyimba zaabwe zaali zaagala okufaanaganamu ez'ekika kya Soukous n'ez'abayimbi b'e congo nga Franco ezaaliko mu budde obwo. Baakubanga nnyo n'ebivuga ebikola ennyimba za Jazz. Ebiseera bwe byagenda bitambula, waabalukawo bbandi endala nga Rwenzori Band, Big Five Band ne Simba Ngoma Band. Naye Afrigo Band ye yasinga okumanyika n'okubuutikira endala naddala mu kiseera ky'obutabanguko n'obutali butebenkevu obwaliwo mu myaka gya 1970 okutuuka mu gya 1990.

We bwatuukira mu makkati g'emyaka gya 1990, Afrigo Band yali ekyayimba ennyimba eziva mu kika kya Soukous music, eyali ow'ettutumu ennyo mu Afrika yonna.

Abayimbi nga Joanita Kawalya ne Rachael Magoola baali kitundu ku Afrigo Band era be baatandikirwako ekika ky'ennyimba kati eziyitibwa Kidandali, kw'ossa bbandi endala nga Kaads Band.

Kyokka enkyukakyuka ssinziggu yaggyawo bwe waatondebwawo ekibiina ekiralala ekyatuumibwa Eagles Production ekyaleeta abayimbi nga Mesach Semakula, Geoffrey Lutaaya, Ronald Mayinja , Haruna Mubiru n'abalala bangi. Bano baatwala ekya Afrigo Band ne bakyongeramu ebirungo wamma ne gujabagira.

Mu myaka gya 2000, enika ky'ennyimba kino kyasinga kumanyika ku bbandi ya Eagles Production. Bano baayongera okusitula ebitone ebipya omwali: Roy Kapale, Maureen Nantume, Phionah Mukasa, Mariam Mulinde, Queen Florence, omugenzi Harriet Kisaakye Cathy Kusasira, Irene Namatovu ne Stecia Mayanja.

Ate entaanya endala yaliwo mu 2008 omuyimbi David Lutalo lwe yajja n'akayimba ka Kapapaala n'ateekawo essuula empya okuva ku nnyimba za bbandi ezaali zimanyiddwa omwali Eagles Production, Diamond Production, Kads Band, Backeys Band, Kats Production, The Hommies n'endala.

nIn the year 2003, Uganda witnessed the birth of a new kind on the block, Abdu Mulaasi. With his mega country wide hit "Omusono Gwa Mungu", Abdu Mulaasi became a house hold name creating himself a place amongst the top artists in the country. Abdu Mulaasi went to release hits like: Swimming Pool, Njagal Ebbere, Ekyaapa, Obuffumbo Bwa Liizi, Ngenda Kusiba Farm and Omuchaina. Enkulu Tenywa was another big song that kept Abdu Mulaasi on top of his game. By the end of the year 2010, Abdu Mulaasi had changed the sound of KadongoKamu hence introducing Urban Kadongo Kamu.

DJ Erycom, one of Uganda's legendary Deejays was the first deejay to play, promote and popularize Kadongokamu music across bars and happening places in and outside Uganda.

About the same time, technology in audio production had enabled the genre to be reproduced digitally using Audio Workstations and the "band" element had all but disappeared. Recording studios like Kann, Dream Studios, Mozart and Paddyman took center stage. Many other independent solo artists started to practice the genre. Artists like Dr Tee, Martin Angume and even Chameleone achieved success with this genre. The genre is currently at the peak of its evolution with newer artists like Papa Cidy and Chris Evans helping create a dominant force that, alongside Dancehall, is the most popular stylistic genre in Uganda.

Dancehall[kyusa | edit source]

Dancehall music in Uganda is modeled after Jamaican Dancehall. It is among the most influential styles of music in the Ugandan pop music industry. The style of music is very similar to the Jamaican style and so like all imported genres, the only major difference is in language used. Although most dancehall artists will perform in their local language, in this case Luganda, many of them will every now and then try to mimic Jamaican patois. During the early to mid 1990s when Uganda's pop industry was just beginning to be formed, the first international music to make an impression on Ugandan artists was the Raggamuffin music in Jamaica at the time. Artists like Shabba Ranks and Buju Banton became the inspiration for Ugandan artists like Shanks Vivi D, Ragga Dee, Menton Krono and Rasta Rob. The predominant beat that was used by these artists was the Dem Bow beat which was created by Shabba Ranks. This beat became the foundation on which all of Ugandan dancehall was to be built on later, just like it did with Reggaeton. In the late 1990s new artists like Mega Dee and Emperor Orlando joined the fray.

By the turn of the century, dancehall, or ragga as it was/is commonly called, was already the most popular music genre. New artists like Chameleone, Bebe Cool and Bobi Wine joined the scene and consolidated it. But they didn't create any marked improvement in the quality and sound of the music they found, as it remained pretty simplistic and heavily based on Dem Bow. From then on, the quality of music became commensurate with the quality of production available. Chameleone was the first dancehall artist to try to fuse this ragga sound with other genres like Soukous and Kadongo Kamu. By around 2006, there were a variety of musicians practicing the genre but also without much advancement in style or sound.

Hip Hop/R&B[kyusa | edit source]

Hip Hop music in Uganda is modeled after American Hip Hop. There is really not much difference stylistically between Ugandan hip hop and the American version. Because of the digital revolution, there is access to modern production technologies in Uganda hence the "beats" that current local producers are creating are high quality and not far behind the American ones. The fundamental difference between the two genres is that in Uganda, as in most African countries, most artists will rap in their local language. In Uganda's case, the language is Luganda. This has created the synonym "Lugaflow" to further define Ugandan rap music.

Hip hop is one of the newer genres to be widely practiced in Uganda. The two music groups, l Klear Kut and Bataka Squad were the first musical acts to do hip hop back in the late 1990s. Mainstream acceptance for the music genre was almost non existent by then. However, a number of the members of the aforementioned groups persisted with the genre, especially Navio (rapper) and Babaluku. Others like Sylvester & Abramz also kept creating rap music, focusing on socially conscious themes and topics.

Around the middle of the previous decade, more acts started joining the fray, with Rocky Giant being one of the first rappers to be embraced in the mainstream. But it was not until GNL broke through circa 2008 that the genre really gained steam. GNL made hip hop more acceptable and accessible and many "lugaflow" rappers began to emerge. Since then there has been a flurry of activity on the scene with a sizable number of rappers enjoying relative success in the music industry and on the radio circuit. Musicians like Jay-P and keko are among a new breed of Ugandan hip hop acts appealing to a broader audience, with their music featuring on international platforms like MTV.

As with Hip Hop, R&B in Uganda is modeled after American R&B. There is not much history in Ugandan R&B, with Steve Jean being the first artist to practice the genre around the turn of the century. But it was Michael Ross who really begun the trend circa 2002 with songs like How Do You Love and Sinorita. It was not until circa 2008 that a number of musicians started to embrace the style, with Myco Chris and Baby Joe among those in Diaspora that must be credited. Blu 3 and Aziz Azion are notable practitioners. Recently, artists like Nick Nola, Richy, Pallaso, Woodz and Yoyo have spread the appeal of the genre further.

Gospel[kyusa | edit source]

Early Gospel music in Uganda was modeled mainly after praise and worship music practiced by church choirs and bands. This was particularly true for the pentecostal/Born Again movement, locally referred to as Balokole.

Artists like Fiona Mukasa in the mid-1990s were responsible for taking praise and worship music out of the churches and onto the streets. Because of the influence of Soukous music at the time, this early gospel had a Soukous sound. Limit X were another gospel group that gained popularity during the 1990s, although the group had formed years earlier, in the late 1970s.

Just after the turn of the century, the styles in gospel became more diverse, with various groups like Sauti, and First Love adding to the urban sound created by Limit X. Others like George Okudi and Father Musaala had hits on the radio circuit and internationally.

Gospel, however, started having a notable impact on the music industry when Judith Babirye broke through circa 2007. Babirye, whose music was similar to Mukasa's, was an instant hit and her song "Beera Nange" was among the songs of the year in its year of release.

She was followed by Wilson Bugembe, another musician who was readily embraced by the listening public with his songs becoming national hits, cutting across all demographics.

They have since been joined by various new artists like Levixone whose song "mbeera" turned into a hit song in year 2021 and others who are spanning various genres.

Classical[kyusa | edit source]

There are a few music schools in a conservatoire model in Uganda, most of them in the capital Kampala. The music schools in Kampala include Kampala Music School, MusiConnexions Uganda and Esom Music School. "Even though they are not very well equipped as a result of small budgets, they offer appropriate music training to many people. To date more young people and adults alike appreciate classical music better and as such they engage in taking private music lessons, attending classical music concerts and several take part in actual performances. There are a few Western music education stems way back to missionary times. Before the missionaries arrived in Uganda does not mean that music education was not in existence, but rather that it was different from what was introduced by missionaries. Classical music in Uganda is developing and growing little by little.

Music industry[kyusa | edit source]

Uganda has a vibrant music industry that plays a fundamental role in the social and economic lives of many. Musicians are the main celebrities in Uganda, and all entertainment content from the mainstream media will most times be about music or musicians. The private lives of musicians are closely followed by many Ugandans. Music concerts, most times called album launches, are very popular. Many companies spend huge amounts of money on sponsoring these music concerts, and advertisements for the concerts are very common on radio and television.

The emphasis on music concerts comes from the fact that very few music artists make a worthwhile income from sales of their music on physical media. The lack of any distribution structure means that there is little to no incentive for capital investment in artist development or music sales. There are no genuine record labels, with most of the companies that are referred to as labels being merely artist management companies. Because of these inadequacies, there is a severe strain placed upon musicians to find profitability and sustainability in making music.

There have also been efforts at organizing the music industry, with the Uganda Performing Rights Society (UPRS), Bryan Morel Publications and Uganda Musicians Association being prime examples alongside a number of music awardsorganizations like AFRIMA Awards, PAM Awards and more recently HiPipo Music Awards. Attempts by some of these organizations to make use of an under-utilized and largely ignored copyright law to generate revenue from music distribution have proved fruitless. These are some of the challenges facing the music industry in the country and indeed are very similar to the ones facing most music industries around the world.

Promotion of Ugandan Music[kyusa | edit source]

According to Jones, A.M (1954), traditional music has remained popular with rural communities and Uganda has a plethora of distinctive instruments, which can also be heard in contemporary popular music. The most notable record labels like Black Market Records and international organisations such as Singing Wells and Selam from the UK have been working to promote regional and traditional music in Uganda. Currently, the above organisations have been specialising in field-recording in rural areas. Their initial projects were aimed at helping the localisation of hip-hop, though they have recently been facilitating capacity building work (audio production, copyright knowledge) through the support of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). Some UK labels have picked up on obscure but cool local music scenes and some of Uganda's music could fill this niche and find a route to international markets. These styles could include Larakaraka music from Gulu or Bukusu Music from the North East Mbale region. Alongside Kandongo Kamu, another native popular music is Kidandali. In their contemporary forms they are both fused with reggae and ragga.[1]

Ugandan pop musicians have used radio and television to promote their music. Others have held concerts and others performing their music at events like weddings and other kinds of parties. With the coming of the internet, they used social media to promote their music. These avenues also helped then earn money. However, most Ugandan musicians haven't yet embraced digital distribution of their music. The Covid-19 pandemic reached in Uganda and affected the way of music promotion and distribution and saw musicians embracing the use of the internet to promote and distribute their music. Musicians like Desire Luzinda, Navio, Iryn Namubiru, Bobi Wine, Gabriel K, Jose Chameleone and promotion managements like Bryan Morel Publications, Promoter Musa Ivan Jay Music Promoter and Fezah changed the way of holding concerts and instead of having revelers physically at the venue, they held online concerts and their fans streamed their performances live and others broadcast them on television afterwards.

See also[kyusa | edit source]

External links[kyusa | edit source]

  1. (57–62). {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)