Esther Mayambala Kisaakye

Bisangiddwa ku Wikipedia

Esther Mayambala Kisaakye

Obuzaale Uganda

Obutuuze Munnayuganda

Ssettendekero we Makerere

(Diguli mu mateeka)

Ettendekero lya mateeka erya

Law Development Centre

(Dipuloma mu kutaputa


Alma mater Ssettendekero wa Georgetown

(Master of Arts in Women Rights)

American University (Doctor in

Juridical Science)

Emirimu Puliida era Mulamuzi

Emyaka 1988 paka kakano

Byamanyiddwako Byamateeka

Gyazaalwa Kampala

Ebitiibwa Mulamuzi mu kkooti enkulu eya


Esther Mayambala Kisaakye munnamateeka omunayuganda era omulamuzi mu [./Https:// kkooti enkulu eya Yuganda]. Yalondebwa mukifo kino mumwezi ogw'omusanvu 2009.[1]

Okusoma kwe[kyusa | edit source]

Yafuna dipulooma y'esooka okuva mu Trinity College Nabbingo; essomera ly'abaana abawala bokka abali wakati w'emyaka 8-13 erisangibwa e Nabbingo mu disitulikiti ye Wakiso mu Buganda ekitundu kya Yuganda[2]

Diguli y’amateeka  gy’eyasooka yagifuna mumutendera ogusooka okuva mu ssettendero y’e Makerere mu Kampala, ekibuga ekikulu era ekisinga obunene mu Uganda. Alina dipuloma mu Legal Practice Okuva mu ttendero lya bannamateeka erya Law Development Centre naryo eliri e Kampala. Esther Kisaakye alina ne Master of Laws okuva mu settendekero lya Georgetown University Law Center eliri mu kibuga ky’e Washington DC mu USA.[3]

Diguli ya Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD),yagifuna  okuva mu ssettendekero y’America era nayo eli mu America mu kibuga kye Washington, DC, n’obuyambi okuva mu American Association of University Women ne mu Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund.[4]

Emirimu gye[kyusa | edit source]

Nga tanalondebwa mu kkooti enkulu yasooka kkola ng’omusomesa mu soomero ly’amateeka ku ssettendekero lye Makerere[5], eno nga yesinga obunene n’obukadde mu ggwanga. Ng'ogyeko okusomesa ku ssettendekero, yakolako ng'amyuka sentebe w'ekitongole ekigatta abalamuzi abakyala mu ggwanga ekya Association of Women Lawyers ekyaddukanyanga ekifo ekiyamba abeetaaga obuyambi mu by'amateeka. Mu 1993 yalondebwa ekibiina kya "Advocacy for Women in Africa Program okukola essomo mu ddembe ly'abakyala erya "Master of Arts on Women's Rights ku Georgetown University Law Center n'oluvanyuma ekiwandiiko kye kyafulumizibwa aba "East African Journal on Peace and Human Rights" ekyali kyogera ku kukyusa enkola n'enkubagana y'ebirowoozo n'okutereeza ekibuuzo ku bufumbo ku semazinga Afirika ekya “Changing the Terms of the Debate to Resolve the Polygamy Question in Africa.”[6]

Yakolako nga memba w'olukiiko olufuzi lw'ekitongole kya Uganda AIDS Commission era yali omu kubatandiisi b'ekitogole ekya Strategic Litigation Coalition.[5]

Mu mwezi gw'okuna 2013 Easther Kisaakye yalondebwa okukulira ekitongole ekigatta abalamuzi abakyala mu ggwanga ekya National Association of Women Judges in Uganda.[6]

  • Judiciary of Uganda

References[kyusa | edit source]

  1. {{cite web}}: Empty citation (help)
  5. 5.0 5.1
  6. 6.0 6.1